Sunday, April 27, 2008

Prophetic Lessons From the Movie 300

Prophetic Lessons from the Movie 300.

The movie 300 has been hailed and hammered by critics. Those who do not like it do so because it advocates traditional values, freedom, a clear sense of good and evil and a willingness to fight to preserve these precious, yet perishable, gifts. 

Christians would do well to imitate, in both their spiritual and natural lives, how the Spartans were portrayed as living their lives in this movie. 

The detrimental implications of our inaction, passivity, prolonged infancy and pacifism towards our flesh, God, aggressive secularism and militant enemies will be disastrous if we don't rise to the occasion. 300 is more than a film it is a sermon we need to see, hear and understand. 


Giles’ seminar consists of: 

  1. Raising warriors. 
    · Be a fighter. 
    · Leave your mommy.
    · Slay the beast.
    · Return a man.

  2. Defying Tyrants. 
    · The tyrant within.
    · External tyrants: bad religion, demons and other enemies of the gospel and freedom.
    · Rebels with a Cause.

  3. Spartan Women. 
    · Serious about freedom and family. 
    · Sharp and smart.
    · Sacrificial and not self-obsessed.
    · Rock solid when put to the test.

  4. Less is More.
    · 300 warriors or 1000 wusses?
    · Sparta’s & Gideon’s lesson.
    · Lean and mean.

  5. Fighting in a Phalanx. 
    · The necessity of unity.
    · Dealing with divisive people.
    · Don’t lower your standards.

  6. A Good Death.
    · You will die. The question is, will you leave a big scar on evil’s backside?
    · Living for the next generation.
    · Living in light of the judgment seat.

This new seminar is real, raw and about as relevant as it gets. Do your church and our nation a favor and embrace The Prophetic Lessons from the Movie 300, by Doug Giles.

Send your request to book Doug Giles to . Alternatively, you may call us at 305.788.6485. 


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