Restoring Honor God First
God saw the people of Isra'el, and God acknowledged them.
Exodus 2:25
My holy people; I really do love you and yes I see and know your trials that you have been going through.
Like Israel crying out to Me from Egypt, I have heard your heart cries from the desert of religion. I tell you plainly, religion will be torn down and in its place will come My Church capable of worshipping in Spirit and in Truth. Begin to proclaim to the rulers of the land, the principalities and the spiritual wickedness in high places in your land to let My people go. For this is the first step in seeing My will come about for you.
My Kingdom coming to earth as it is in heaven is more than a model for prayer … that is My Great Heart’s desire for you, My precious children. I desire you to be worshipping Me according to the plumb-line of Spirit and Truth.
Instead of a single Moses, I have created for Me a radical army of those that follow Me. If you can receive it, this is the spiritual Elijah of the day that I am using to break the back of religion and set My holy people free. Where the Spirit of the Lord is … there is liberty. Liberty runs alongside the outpouring of My power and that is why there seems to be no power in the land: where is the liberty?
Strong rules and regulations will never usher in My Kingdom. Instead glad hearts eager to do My will is what it takes. My radical army of followers have glad hearts, willing hearts, and strong desire to see My Kingdom come at all cost. I know your trials that you have been going through.
A change of the guard will occur … not yet, but it is coming. What you must do now is position yourselves against the spiritual wickedness in high places, your Pharaoh of the day. The gods of the land must no longer be served … instead My holy people desire to worship Me in Spirit and Truth. Tell these gods of the land to let My people go, so that they may worship Me.
Like in the days of Moses, I am about to release signs in the earth that will cause the spiritual wickedness in high places to tremble. Judgments are about to be poured out that will bring about a change. This change will result in a change of the guard; first in the natural and then the spiritual. The change will signal a bright new day for the Kingdom.
I have heard your heart cries and I acknowledge your sufferings. More importantly I tell you that I love you. You are precious to Me. From My Great Heart, I release a healing balm that will manifest in both healing and peace. From deep within this healing balm will do what no person could ever do. From My treasure chest of love to you, My love.
My precious bride-to-be your preparation has begun. Your heart is already beautiful to Me. My desire is strong for you and Father’s heart is wide open to you. Run with Me, My love. Run with Me throughout the land, telling Pharaoh to let My people go.
Seek My Face. Call upon My Name. My delight is in you.
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