Friday, April 16, 2010

God On The Mountain

My children, the Father is speaking to you today because you need to hear the voice of the Lord and He has much to say unto you at this time. The world has become a fearful place and is even causing My very own to fear life and some even the fear of death. I say unto you, My little ones, who are born of My Spirit, that you have no reason to be afraid for your heavenly Father is always near and nothing can harm you; and you question that, as you know that even my own have been abused and murdered and many bad things seems to be coming your way from every direction. I say unto you to keep trusting Me, for there is nothing that can harm the soul of My people, for you are safe in the keeping of the Holy One. There are things that come your way that causes you to fear and doubt Me and cause you to lose the blessings that I desire to bestow unto you. But I say, little children, be in a spirit of prayer at all times and seek the leading of your Father and He will be your protector. There have been and will be many that will die for the name of Christ. I say unto you that your enemy is coming stronger against you but keep in your mind and heart that nothing can come by me unless it passes first by the eyes of My heavenly Father. It is much better to die for the name of Christ than of sickness and disease or even of old age. The word is and my speech is always to trust in the Lord for He is able to take care of any thing that comes by you and every thing that would harm the flesh will come to make you stronger in the spiritual realm. There is not one that hasn't been touched by something that the flesh disdained, but every thing will turn out for a blessing in your life if you keep your confidence in the living God. God as Father loves you, God as Son loves you, and God as the Holy Spirit loves you. To those that are heart broken and suffering, let Me speak My words of love and comfort to you and let Me say that I rejoice with you and sorrow in your sorrows, for there is always love and compassion in the heart of your heavenly Father. Come unto Me and let Me bless you with My divine presence, for I remain as close to you as you do to Me, and I am with you when you go your way and forsake Me. I am He that oversees a sinful world.

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