Commentary from Pastor Morgan:
What In The World Is Going On??
(Ephesians: 6:12) "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
I have received many e-mails asking "Just What in The World Is Going On", Pastor Morgan??With Vicious Storms, Wild Weather, Earthquakes, Tsunami's, Famines, Floods, Droughts, Raging Wildfires, Rapid Climate Change, the Explosion of Pestilences, Plagues, Diseases and Epidemics, Terrorism, Wars and an Earth Filled with Religious Extremism and Violence Everywhere. What is Going On?? Surly no one could possibly deny that were are Living In The Last Days.
My Dear Friends,There is a Tremendous Battle Going On, The Battle of The Ages. It is a battle taking place in the Spirit World. That World that you and I cannot see with Human Eyes. It is Here, in the unseen Spiritual dimension, that Satan and His Demon Hoards of Fallen Angels are Battling for control of the Earth and Its People. This Raging Battle has spilled over into the physical world. that is where you and I live and breath.The Battle has started in all earnestness, Not only is Satan and his demon hoards Battling God's Angels for control and occupation of the Spiritual realm connected to the Earth, They are also Battling each other for physical and spiritual control over the earth, its institutions and Its People.
That is correct, believe it or not Satan's Generals and their Demon Hoards are in a major battle with each other! Not wanting to concede conquered territory to each other they are battling amongst Themselves.This Battle is taking Place in the Spiritual realm. We cannot see this battle raging in the spirit world., but we certainly see the results of this on going battle for occupancy and control over human kind, as it spills over into the Physical realm in which you and I live.
This Battle is shaking and rocking the world around us. All that you see, hear and speak of, is the
direct result of a fierce battle raging all around us.It is not only a battle over territorial occupation and control. but a battle for the very souls of mankind. Each Satanic General wants his own captive souls and to have power over those souls. Each Satanic General wants his own territory and dominion. They are fighting each other, trying to take souls and territory and control from each other.
These Battles between competing demonic forces have and are spilling over into the Physical realm. As these Demon forces run out of territory to conquer and are rapidly losing Souls back to God, they are raiding and fighting each other for dominion. power and control. These Satanic Forces control Governments, Countries, Geo-political states, Financial Institutions, businesses, Cults and religions. The Earth is being Shaken. Time and Space and reality is constantly being changed and disrupted on the earth as these battles rage. There are major disruptions in the realities of Space and time and in the Physical properties of the Earth. and the Signs of it are everywhere upon the Earth.
Now not only are These Satanic Generals fighting each other, they are also fighting against God, The Holy Angels of God and All The Peoples of God. That Is you and I as members of The Church That Jesus Christ Founded. We, That is The True and Faithful Bible Believing Church are right in The Middle of This Battle of The Ages and it is raging all around us. The more people that defect from Satanic Control and in Surrender, turn themselves over to God and His Son Jesus Christ, the More Enraged these Demons become. This Rage Spills over on to the Earth. We see The results of this uncontrolled rage all about us. With Vicious Storms, Wild Weather, Earthquakes, Tsunami's, Famines, Floods, Droughts, Raging Wildfires, Rapid Climate Change, the Explosion of Pestilences, Plagues, Diseases and Epidemics, Terrorism, Wars and an Earth Filled with Religious Extremism and Violence Everywhere.
Now if you are not a True and Faithful Bible Believing Christian then you have already been conquered by Satan and are already under his authority and control. This amounts to approximately 80% of the World's population!. Only 20% of the World Population are True and Faithful Bible Believing Christians, totally surrendered to God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Do you now know what is happening? As you see a World In Chaos, a world Rocking, Shaking, Reeling to and fro like a Drunkard. You realize what is going on! It's The Battle Of The Ages! The Battle Between Evil and Evil and The Battle Between Evil and Good A battle that is raging in The Spirit World and is spilling over on to the Earth.
Have you Chosen the Winning Side? Have you completely surrendered your Self To God and His Son Jesus Christ?
(II Corinthians 4-6) "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
"The Battle Rages on until the Coming of The Lord.
Pastor Dale MorganRelated Links:
Revealing If There Is A Real Devil?
Is There Really a Spirit World? Revealing Angels And Demons!
Revealing If There Is A Real Hell!
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