Friday, January 22, 2010

Let Me Teach You To Fly Again

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Ephesians 4:11-12

My beautiful bride-to-be; be prepared for a new wave of equipping. For I am pouring out My Spirit and as I pour out My Spirit I will be placing My gifts among you. Not as a bless me club, but as a means to take you outside the church buildings, to do ministry.

I will show you how to minister and I will equip you to do ministry in My Name. Together, we shall go through the villages, the cities, the places of work, the small places, the large places. For My sending power will be working mightily in you to do what you have not done before.

Healings, miracles, wonders – all as a means to demonstrate My goodness before a hard hearted world. Be ready to go on adventures into brave new territories: your work place, your downtowns, your campuses … any where there are people that need to know Me. Every avenue, every venue will be an open door to you. Gone are the days of waiting until this happens or that happens. You have the green light for I am sending you to the lost, the hurting, the dying, the sick, the poor and to the orphans and widows. My love, My beautiful bride-to-be … learn of Me.

Let us run together. No leasurely strolls … but side by side, hand in hand, we shall run together and there will be a new found excitement, bringing renewed hope. Your downcast hands shall rejoice at My working in and through you. It has been a long time, this time of preparation and purification. Now, it is time to be released. Released into the harvest fields, like wild stallions: you will be released into a new level of freedom and ministry as you run with Me, side by side. Just as you have prophesied in My Name, you will be released to do even more. Now, not just words, but demonstration of power. Taking My Word, My Power and My Love … you have great things to share with those around you. Not sporadic movement, but consistently moving in these things. For as My Spirit is poured out, the enemies that have been such a great hindrance to you will be overcome by My great Power.

You will tread over serpents and scorpions and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Passion, power and purity will be united in you, and you will truly be My beautiful bride-to-be. For I have taught you how to wash your dirty faces. I have shown you how to mend your tattered dress. I have given you grace to clean the smudges from your shoes and I have delivered you from the foul odor of filthiness. Not for you … but in order to prepare My beautiful bride-to-be, I have done these things. For I have promised to do these things and to make these preparations.

I love you. You are beautiful to Me. Let’s run together. Listen for the sound of a rushing mighty wind. As I pour out My Spirit upon you … lean forward and step out of the boat. Whatever is your current limitation let Me show you how to step out of that place into the place of passion, power and purity. I will equip you, through My gifts, to do ministry. Perceive what I am doing.

Receive what I am doing. Believe what I am doing. Let Me teach you to fly again.

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