Sunday, January 25, 2009

What Right Do Christians Have To Complain About Where America Is Going?

WHY are Christians in America complaining about the direction in which America is being taken?

To me, it seems incredulous that so many Christians are now complaining about the new laws indicating persecution to come to them, the corruption and brain-washing in the school system, the corruption in politics and Washington, DC, etc. WHY???????? The answer is simple. You get what you work for. You REAP what you SOW. This is a basic Bible principle, and it works also in the world, even for non-believers.
What right to passive, sit-back-on-the-sidelines, "we don't wanna get involved" Christians in America, have to complain, when the NWO agenda Illuminati and the unbelievers are collectively working HARDER, spending MORE, and laboring more intensively to bring forth satan's manifest kingdom on earth of Revelation 13...than most Christians are to BRING FORTH THE KINGDOM OF GOD in America?
What right do American Christians have to complain, when they FAIL to perform solid background research, and are deceived by news media bias/blackout, and vote in a MAN OF SATAN'S KINGDOM, (the ILLUMINATI,) whose family is hell-bent on bringing forth satan's NEW WORLD ORDER agenda in America? (George Bush SR and George Bush JR., both of whom are human sacrificing, pedophilic, anti-christ, "kill the Christians against the NWO" Illuminati satanists.)
While satanists labor hard to groom their people to occupy powerful positions of power and leadership in our government, our military, our school and educational systems and politics, where oh WHERE are the Christians with equal zeal infiltrating these critical power bases to effect a Godly and Biblical change in our nation and society?
While satanists pour billions of dollars funding satan's manifest kingdom on earth, the NWO, into power, where are the dollars of the Christians in countering such darkness and funding THE KINGDOM OF GOD and HIS agenda for this world and our nation? WHERE is the support, both spiritual and practical and financial, of the Body of Christ for those of us who labor on the front lines to stand against this raging darkness???
While satanists heap elaborate praise and encouragement and rewards upon those who do their NWO bidding, where oh WHERE is the Christian love and support and encouragement for those standing up for the WORD OF GOD and God's kingdom in this nation? One former satanist, now a Christian many years, admitted to me as I interviewed her: "IT WAS THE BURNING PASSION OF US SATANISTS TO BRING FORTH HIS NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA...YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW PASSIONATE WE SATANISTS ARE FOR BRINGING FORTH HIS KINGDOM!" HER 18 YEARS OF BEING A FANATICAL SATANIC HIGH PRIEST OVER ONE STATE TESTIFIED TO THEIR INCREDIBLE PASSION FOR SERVING SATAN. Plus, her years of serving the NWO while working in the CIA under "Mr. NWO" Bush Sr himself.
And yet, my Christian friends, these people SERVE A DEFEATED FOE, satan! DOOMED to eternal defeat and destruction for all eternity! HOW then can it be, that these satanists/Illuminati, are MORE dedicated, working HARDER and pouring more finances and manpower as a whole, than the CHRISTIANS ARE INTO GOD'S KINGDOM here in this nation America???
The Illuminati/satanists have indeed poured billions of dollars, countless manpower hours, and millions of lives groomed for various roles of leadership, teaching etc., into bringing forth their satanic NWO agenda. And the dark and bitter fruits of their passionate labors for satan and his kingdom surround us in America today. And YET, many Christians sit around complaining about the terrible inroads these godless secular humanists and antichrist people have made into our educational systems, our political systems, our corrupt law enforcement and judicial and intelligence community, etc. Christians write articles complaining. Christians voice their concerns on Christian radio and even from some pulpits.
YET where oh WHERE are they in the PRACTICAL realms of MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THIS NATION??? "THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN," spake the words of Jesus Christ in THE LORD'S PRAYER. And WHO ELSE does God have to DO THE WILL OF GOD ON EARTH, but WE HIS PEOPLE???? And if we FAIL to do HIS WILL ON EARTH, what happens?
Exactly what you see happening in the world and in America today!Personally, and from the word of God, I do not blame the satanists, the secular humanists, the Illuminati, the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles for the wretched shape America is in and the direction America is continuing in. These unbelievers are simply doing what comes natural to unregenerate man under satan and sins's control! God did not PLACE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PERFORMING HIS WILL IN THE EARTH UPON the unbelievers, the satanists, the NWO Illuminati ! (Of course, He has commanded them to REPENT and BELIEVE THE GOSPEL, however.) Rather, as Jesus said, "You are OF YOU ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL AND HIS LUSTS [WILL] YOU WILL DO!" Clearly, the WORD OF GOD places the responsibility UPON HIS PEOPLE, THE BODY OF CHRIST. WE are commanded by our Savor Jesus Christ to BE the SALT OF THE EARTH and the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.
WE are commanded to resist satan steadfastly. WE are commanded to CONFESS JESUS CHRIST BEFORE MEN. WE are commanded to take the authority of Jesus Christ given to us, and to "read on serpents and scorpions" . "Jesus Christ was manifested to DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL, " declares the Word of God. And HE and HIS AUTHORITY IS MANIFESTED THROUGH HIS PEOPLE in the world today! And when we FAIL to manifest Jesus Christ in the world around us, when we FAIl to be the SALT and the LIGHT in this world, and FAIL to destroy the works of the devil around us, WE HAVE THE KIND OF AMERICA WILL LIVE IN TODAY!
Let's face painful reality. Most Christians do NOT want accountability in this matter. They are literally sitting back and watching America GO TO HELL "IN A BASKET." They have abdicated their high calling in Christ Jesus, and have allowed the enemy to get away with sin and corruption and murder in this nation. Moreover, the painful reality is that SIN IS RAMPANT THROUGHOUT THE CHURCHES OF AMERICA TODAY. Sexual immorality, abortion, adultery, cyberporn, homosexuality and more have crept into not only our churches, but religious institutions which include TV ministries, Bible colleges, etc. And the FRUITS of the sins and falling short of the Church in America today is manifested everywhere across this nation!This is to the great shame of the Body of Christ and to many who profess to be "Christians." in our nation. YET, none of this darkness is THE WILL OF GOD! When satanists are working harder and more passionately as a whole for satan's kingdom, than Christians in this nation working actively for the Kingdom of God, there is something desperately wrong with this scenario.
One only has to perform practical investigation to see the truth of what I have just written. JUST HOW CRITICAL ARE THE WORDS "Thy will be done on earth...."??? "THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN," spake the words of Jesus Christ in THE LORD'S PRAYER. Jesus said, "NOT EVERY MAN WHO SAYS TO ME , 'LORD, LORD' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but HE THAT DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN."
In light of the wretched state this nation and her man-made institutions of government and religion are in, it is time for those who profess to be CHRISTIANS and the PEOPLE OF GOD, to re-examine ourselves in the light of ETERNAL SCRIPTURES. ARE we laboring to do GOD'S WILL in the world and our nation today? ARE we walking in the light? ARE we bearing fruit? ARE we being used of God to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? ARE we destroying the works of satan all around us with the authority we have been given through Jesus Christ? ARE we united in genuine and passionate love through Jesus Christ, as He prayed, "FATHER, THAT THEY MAY BE ONE EVEN AS WE ARE ONE"?
The warning signs are all around us in America today, that we as a whole are failing, in fact, to effectively make the critical difference, both in this nation, and Christians as a whole in the rest of the world. And when we fail to live up to the high calling of Jesus Christ and the title of "Christian" or DISCIPLE OF JESUS CHRIST, we have no right to complain when the consequences of our failure to live up to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus finally come upon us. God has no one else to use, BUT US. "BE NOT DECEIVED, God IS NOT MOCKED, for whatsoever a man sows, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP, " declared the Apostle Paul. And someday, the persecutions I have been steadily warning the Church in America of, is going to come down hard. And it shall even be used for the glory and purposes of God, to purge and refine His people and to judge and remove the sin in our very midst of our churches and religous institutions today.
Pamela Schuffert

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