Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Camel in the Tent

The Camel in the Tent

October 8, 2007

By Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A. Lappen, Washington Times, October 8, 2007

http://blog.americancongressfortruth.com/wp-content/sheik-mahktoum-at-dubai-financial-centre.jpgObjections to Borse Dubai's proposed acquisition of 20 percent of Nasdaq last week prompted Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank to quip, "In the ports deal, the concern was smuggling something or someone dangerous... What Adinare we talking about here ˜ smuggling someone onto a stock exchange?"

It is not "who" Dubai will smuggle into the stock exchange we should worry about. It's the arrival of the world's first Islamic stock exchange exerting unprecedented Islamic influence in the heart of the U.S. and Western economies that should raise our alarm. Dubai's handsomely paid Washington lobbyists see nothing wrong with that. Rather, they claim the deal benefits U.S. financial markets, giving "Nasdaq access to rich Mideast pockets." Unfortunately, the deal also increases the appeal and influence of Islamic financing in the West.

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