Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Quote Of The Year 2013

"It won't be long before the people storm this chamber and hang you...and they'll be right!"

• European Parliament, Brussels, 21 November 2013

• Speaker: Godfrey Bloom MEP, Ind. (Yorkshire & Lincolnshire), Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) group - http://www.godfreybloommep.co.uk

Monday, December 30, 2013

A Line In The Sand

This line in the sand for freedom is separating people in a major way. And this is not necessarily a bad thing. In the same way that God commanded Abram to separate from his home and kin, so, too, the Spirit of God is separating people many times from their friends, their neighbors, their kinfolk, and, yes, their church families. I seem to recall that during the period of the early church, the conflict of principle forever separated the apostles Paul and Silas. And during America’s War for Independence, the conflict of principle separated Benjamin Franklin and his son William–as it did tens of thousands of others.

Perhaps not since the days of Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, et al., have Americans been forced to deal–intellectually, reasonably, emotionally, volitionally, and spiritually–with the fundamental issues of liberty as we are being forced to do today. For way too long, Americans have taken freedom for granted. For way too long, our educational and religious institutions (not to mention our homes) have not taught the fundamental principles of liberty. This negligence has brought our country to the brink of oppression and despotism. And, just as was the case in Colonial America, a line in the sand for freedom is being drawn in the hearts of men.

This internal line in the sand is being drawn irrespective of a person’s education, temperament, upbringing, intelligence, or faith. While some men seem to be content to live under the heel of governmental oppression, many others have an innate thirst for freedom that all of the armies in the world cannot quench.
In truth, the thirst for freedom is part of Natural Law. A horse is not broken without a fight; a tiger or lion will pace its cage as long as it can walk looking for an avenue of escape; a bird will fly around its cage ten thousand times looking for an opening to return to the sky. Yes, animals can be broken–and so can be some men, unfortunately. But the innate desire for freedom is born in the soul of every man.

However, the desire for comfort, ease, and material pleasure is a handsome tempter that many people find more attractive than the harsh and weather-torn face of liberty. Plus, the further liberty slips out of view, the more vague the memory of it becomes. And before we realize it, the face of liberty is only seen in the irrelevant relics of the songs and statues of history. But it is exactly at this point that the Spirit of God begins to renew in the hearts of men the Natural thirst for liberty. And that is precisely what is happening now.

Continue to Pastor Chuck Baldwin, (Oathkeepers Chaplain)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Humble Beginning

He did not wait for a castle. He didn’t hold out for a perfected people. He came when we least expected Him…when all He could be offered was a humble greeting and abode.

And so, it is appropriate this day that we hear the angel’s greeting: "Do not be afraid." Do not be afraid that the abode of your heart is not a castle, that you are not a perfect person, that you are in fact a sinner most in need of forgiveness.

You see, it is not a problem for Jesus to come and dwell among the poor, the sinful, the wretched. Why do we always think that we must be holy and perfect before He will even so much as glance our way? It is not true...Christmas tells us differently.

Jesus desires to come to you now, as you are, even in your sinfulness. He can do this because He is Love itself. But it is also true that He desires to make you holy and perfect. Not for His sake, but for your own. The more holy you are, the happier you will be. And He wishes to do this for you because He is Love itself.

And so this day, open your heart to this gentle Child. Let nothing...no fear, no failure, no sin...stop you from welcoming Him into the humble and poor manager that is your heart. Because He is Love itself, He will love you, cleanse you, and heal you. He wishes, in fact, to transform you into love itself. That is His gift to you.

Come to Him with a humble beginning.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Celebrate Me Home

When my time on earth has come to an end, I ask my family and friends to remember this song and play it at my funeral. With our technology and the disc's of photos and a special song that is being used at the viewing, please use this song. I want my loved ones to know and celebrate that I have made it to the Kingdom of my All Powerful and Loving God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Celebrate Me Home! Thank you and I love you all!

Celebrate Me Home by The Perry's

Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's Still The Cross

It's Still The Cross by Sacred Heritage

It's not conservative or liberal,
However they're defined;
It's not about interpretation,
Or the judgment of the mind;

It's the opposite of politics,
Power or prestige;
It's about a simple message,
And whether we believe.

It's still the cross,
It's still the blood of Calvary;
That cleanses sins,
And sets the captives free.
It's still the name,
The name of Jesus,
That has power to save the lost;
It's still the cross.

We can water down theology,
And preach a word to suit our needs;
We can justify sweet subtle lies,
That are wrapped in noble deeds;

We can alter our convictions,
To adapt to social whims;
But we cannot change the gospel,
Or the truth contained within.


Though some may say it's man's religion,
Or ancient history;
The cross of Jesus still remains,
The price for sin that sets us free.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

All That Is Left...

Posted on December 10, 2013 Written by Mac Slavo

Jim Quinn discusses the fourth turning, a cyclical event in which we currently find ourselves – like it or not. In his recent article Twenty-First Century Breakdown Quinn walks us through the previous Saeculums, periods comprised of 80 – 100 years, and demonstrates how we are now in the fourth, or final, phase of the current Saeculum – the Crisis.
There is no way to avoid this Crisis. It can’t be bypassed. Just as the seasons must progress from Spring to Summer through Fall and into Winter, a Crisis must follow an Unraveling. History does not have a rewind button. Secular Winter has arrived and the country couldn’t be less prepared for the challenges ahead. The government and the governed enter this highly dangerous period weakened and fragile. The short-sighted economic choices and deferred fiscal decisions will collide with peak oil and uncontrolled globalization to inflict a horrific resolution to this Crisis. The gravity of our situation cannot be overstated. As politicians and the mainstream media play pretend games of recovery and false optimism, the country hurtles closer to the abyss. The country had a chance to prepare for this Winter by:
  • Forging consensus regarding the problems we face.
  • Preparing our governmental institutions for the challenges ahead.
  • Political leaders bluntly describing the issues before us, stressing duties over rights.
  • Developing community teamwork to solve local problems.
  • Treating our youth as a national priority.
  • Preparing elders for the sacrifices and unfulfilled promises in their future.
  • Reducing government and personal debt.
  • Conserve military resources for the long road ahead.
You may have noticed that as a country we not only did not prepare for Winter, we proceeded like it would never come. No leader has emerged to bluntly speak the truth to the American people. Culture wars still rage. Government has expanded and our military has been depleted in useless wars of choice. All that is left is for individuals to prepare their families for the immense challenges ahead.

Whether cycles are real or not is a hotly debated concept. Our personal view is that cyclical events are everywhere, from the birth-to-death cycle of human life to the 26,000 year galactic alignment, we can see cyclical events everywhere in nature.
And, because our economies and political systems are man-made, we would suggest that they, too, must follow natural cycles.
As Quinn points out, we have gotten to a point where most of those who have the power to make the necessary changes have refused to do so, either because they are ignorant of the facts or are ignoring the signs altogether.
This leaves us with one option, which is essentially to prepare ourselves, as individuals, families and close community units, to weather the coming storm.
Remember that this is a cyclical event which may very well last two decades or more. We’re talking much more than just storing freeze-dried food, ammo and gas. To prepare for an event like this requires a different kind of mindset – one of sustainability and self reliance that will require a dynamic approach to a variety of problems.
While we recommend to our readers that they should be prepared for an array of potential disaster scenarios, the only way to mitigate a crisis of this magnitude, one that lasts many years, is to develop skills that will allow you to be more self reliant in terms of income generation, food procurement, and energy production.
It’s time to get back to our rugged American roots and start doing for ourselves instead of holding out our hands looking for freebies from a broke government support system.