Monday, September 8, 2008

Indoctrinated Science

A new light and a new day ... here is a message for all enlightened people of the world who understand and look up to the heavens to wonder at the creator ... no matter what your earthly sect or belief system may be ...

HERE IS A QUESTION TO PONDER ... to the many who have studied Astronomy or even read about it in the newspapers, there seems to be recurring and dominating statements made over and over by professional astronomers and space scientists that might convince you that they in fact know what they are doing ... the amazing machines sent forth to study the universe would make you believe that the interpretation of data that is returned would be as exact and precise and unerring ... the reality is that there is an entire political correctness arena in "science" and it is rapidly breaking down ... most of the public are intuitively aware that something is very wrong with what they are being told, but have too little information with which to really see the details of this very complex topic ... NASA knows this and that is why they let out painfully little information to the public ...

please take time to read...

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