Ezekiel 12:8 In the morning the word of the LORD came to me:
My holy people; it is time to meet with Me. Yes, I am speaking to you, I am calling to you, I am wooing you, to come and listen. Find time from your busy schedule and come to Me, listen to what I have to say. For as you find time for Me, I will take charge of all the details of life. You may feel hard pressed for time. Yet the most productive use of your time is to spend it with Me.
I designed human beings to walk with Me in the cool of the morning. Yes, that's right, to spend time walking and talking and visiting. From this time of fellowship, My life flows to and through you in all areas of your life. It is imperative that you find time to hear what I have to say. For My Words are life and light and through them I will illumine your path and guide your steps.
Many find themselves too busy, but I tell you, look beyond today, look beyond the hard press of the affairs of life. Look to Me. Spend time with Me. I will reveal to your My Great Heart and from this will flow abundant living.
All of your tomorrows stand before you ... will you live them on your own, or will you spend time with Me, to hear what is upon My Great Heart ... and then together we can run through the villages, bearing precious fruit for Father.
I sit in heaven, seated next to Father, where it is My delight to intercede day and night for My beloved. I have not forgotten you ... but many have forgotten Me. Many have forgotten the simple pleasure of spending time with Me each morning, beginning each day with My words speaking life in you and through you. I have charged you to seek My Kingdom and My Righteousness ... and then all the rest will be given. My precious bride-to-be ... choose what is good, choose what will minister to your soul, body and spirit, as you sit at My feet, hearing My soft voice shattering strongholds and removing barriers. I am the Lord of Breakthrough and as you sit at My feet, I am able to break the strong holds that have kept you chained and yes even imprisoned. Come sit at My feet, each day, and learn what true freedom is all about. Have a breakthrough in your morning, every morning.
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