Thursday, October 18, 2007

ISLAM:What The West Needs To Know-DVD

"Islam: What the West
Needs to Know

Since 9/11, numerous Western leaders have insisted that Islam is a peaceful religion, and that violence committed in its name contradicts the teachings of the Koran and the example of the prophet Muhammad. But is this true? Now the DVD, Islam: What the West Needs to Know, takes an unblinking look at the so-called "religion of peace" - and demonstrates that Islam is, in fact, a violent and expansionist religion that seeks the destruction or subjugation of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government.

Featuring interviews with noted Islam experts Robert Spencer, Serge Trifkovic, Bat Ye'or, Abdullah Al-Araby, and former terrorist Walid Shoebat, Islam: What the West Needs to Know examines the Koran, other Islamic texts, and the example of the prophet Muhammad to reveal that violence against non-Muslims is and has always been an integral aspect of Islam.

The Islam: What the West Needs to Know DVD reveals:

  • How warfare -- even terrorism -- in the name of Islam stems directly from the teachings and example of the Prophet Muhammad and the commands of the Koran

  • The truth about Muhammad: a warlord with the blood of thousands on his hands -- and how Muslims are expected to follow his example, as Christians are to follow Christ

  • How the Koran -- considered by Muslims to be dictated word for word by Allah -- explicitly commands violence against non-Muslims who resist conversion or surrender

  • "Jihad": an "inner struggle" over temptation, as some Muslim apologists claim? Not so: how the Koran makes it clear it denotes warfare against non-Muslims in order to bring about the universal rule of Islamic law

  • How violent death in jihad is, according to the Koran, the only assurance of salvation

  • How, following Muhammad's death, his 'rightly-guided' successors carried his wars to three continents -- fighting, enslaving, and massacring countless Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Hindus, and others

  • How Islam, unlike Christianity, flourished and spread primarily through conquest, not peaceful evangelism

  • How the Crusades, mischaracterized as a violent assault on peaceful Muslims, were largely a belated response against centuries of Muslim conquest of Christian lands

  • The Islamic principle of 'religious deception' -- which enjoins Muslims to deceive non-Muslims to advance the cause of Islam -- and how Muslim groups use it today

  • How, throughout its history, Islam has never recognized a distinction between religious and civil authority

  • How Islamic "sharia" law governs every aspect of religious, political, and personal life -- amounting to a form of totalitarianism analogous to Communism


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